Posts Tagged ‘media’

HuffPo Bingo!

Fri ,28/10/2011


From FluffPo:

bingo card

HuffPo Bingo

Okay, here’s how you play. Grab the above Bingo card. Now, go to the Huffington Post and start from left or right of the “news” sections. Look on each page for one of the items on the card. If you find one, open it in a new tab in your browser, so you can prove you found it.

Anything in quotations means you have to look for that word or a variation of said word. For example, “Scott Walker Shocker” would win you the Shock or Shocking space under the letter “B”.

You cannot use the search field to find articles, unless you are playing the game to fill the entire card. In that case you must first play by visiting each page first, and if both parties haven’t completed their cards, you can search HuffPo, however you must only use articles written within the last 30 days.

Trust me, you’ll find everything.