Posts Tagged ‘germany’


Sun ,11/01/2015

was on The Atlantic’s site today and saw a 1913 pic of the Wuppertal Schwebebahn – I got to ride that thing several years ago – way cool! Have to dig up the pics and writeup from then as the FOM site is no longer online, apparently….click here to see the Schwebebahn as it is today…apparently hauls 25M people a year? wild. Suck on THAT, ‘Sound’ Transit!

On This Day: The Wuppertaler Schwebebahn in 1913



25 years – fall of the Berlin Wall – Lichtgrenze!

Sun ,09/11/2014

8,000 Glowing Balloons Recreate the Berlin Wall

As Germany celebrates this, an amazing art installation is in Berlin. Wish I could get there to see it – i’ve been there twice, once in 1987 (before it fell) and once in 1992 (right after). Very strange on the second visit how it had immediately changed and the desolation at the center of the city between the two sectors – i’m sure much, much more has changed since …. Such a cool city – can’t wait to go back again….!


Enjoy and congrats, Germany.

LICHTGRENZE from Fall of the Wall 25 on Vimeo.


Very cool….

Tue ,08/10/2013

Even *I*, mr fraidy-cat of heights, would likely have to check this out….trip to Dusseldorf, anyone?

Tomás Saraceno
In Orbit, Suspended Installation at K21 Staendehaus by Tomás Saraceno

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