Posts Tagged ‘movies’

Sat am….

Sat ,09/07/2016

Obviously an entire strip just created to get to that second to last panel…still, funny. 🙂



Spellbound: The Theremin….

Fri ,08/07/2016

can’t believe I missed this! this show was here last month on the 20th – dammit!

for those of you still not sure what a Theremin is (or haven’t seen 1951’s The Day the Earth Stood Still – one of my three fave 50’s movies, along with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and The War of the Worlds) – here’s some more info.


Sat am funnies….

Sat ,14/05/2016

Joy of Tech

Savage Chickens

F Minus



Paramount Studios – %A^&*%(^&%!?

Sat ,26/03/2016

Once again, Paramount simply doesn’t get it. How is a fan making a film that only *increases* the value of your story franchise HURT you? F you and your lawyers (again)!

To boldly go where no copyright suit has gone before


Love it!

Sat ,20/02/2016

go NASA! But then again, I was a believer from DAY ONE. 🙂

Posters: NASA really really wants you to believe in the future of space travel


The Enterprise restoration…..!

Sun ,31/01/2016

Very cool – It’s the same age as me, it needs that makeover….!

How the Smithsonian is restoring the original USS Enterprise to full 1967 glory


Sat am funnies….

Sat ,23/01/2016

I love Aunt-Man!

joy of tech



Sun ,10/01/2016

An alternate take on SkyNet’s rise to awareness?

It took a lot of booster rockets, but luckily Amazon had recently built thousands of them to bring Amazon Prime same-day delivery to the Moon colony.


Seen it yet?

Sun ,20/12/2015

hoping to over the christmas break, hoping to also avoid spoilers in the meantime!


Alice….the Omega Man?

Sat ,19/12/2015

Wow. I think she’d be more powerful than Charlton Heston and Will Smith combined!
