Narnia, revisited.

Saw the new Narnia movie this afternoon – not bad, pretty entertaining. As I haven’t read any of these books, I can’t really say whether they are true/not true to the books – although I have heard the first two movies were pretty on-story. I think this one veers a bit off (per Salon’s review) but I still found it a pretty solid story and not cluttered with meaningless extra details and simply too much “CGI for spending money’s sake” (pretty every POTC movie excepting the first one, the second trilogy of Star Wars movies, you name it). The characters are sympathetic (even Eustace by mid-movie) and even Tilda Swinton manages a couple very brief appearances as Edmund’s evil nemesis, The White Witch.

I may never get around to reading the books – already have too many on the nightstand as it is – but the movie is definitely a good one. It will be interesting to see what happens with the next one, given that none of the original kids will likely be in it (they aren’t in the next books)?


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