The Summer of Movies continues – Captain America.

So having already seen The Avengers – I was able to get last year’s Captain America movie on DVD and watch that a few days ago.  Same Captain America as that movie (Chris Evans, formerly The Human Torch) and my previous comments still pretty much apply here – CE plays it pretty straight, and Hugo Weaving is a great bad guy as Red Skull.  There were only a few flaws in my opinion, namely:

1) Chris Evans is the voice of Cap the entire movie, although the first portion of the movie has him being 19 years old and trying to get drafted despite a number of physical ailments – the adult voice simply doesn’t fit with a nineteen year old – it just sounds ‘off’.

2) essentially same comment for what must be CGI grafting CE’s head onto another actor’s body.  The kid’s body seen in the early part of the movie is obviously NOT that of Chris Evans, and the head looks a bit out of proportion to it.  I’m pretty sure they shot the scenes with another body actor, then grafted in CE’s head and dialogue using CGI, until it was time for him to emerge from the ‘super soldier’ experiment, at which point it’s his actual body.  Nice try, but doesn’t quite work – see TRON: Legacy on how to pull something like this off far more effectively.

This was a decent run-up to The Avengers – as seen with the first Iron Man, there was a teaser Avengers intro at the end of the credits here, too.

Other views:

Rotten Tomatoes



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