Archive for April 3rd, 2011

Firefly – finally!

Sun ,03/04/2011

So finally finished watching the Firefly series on DVD, after having owned it for at least a couple years, and having watched the later Serenity movie several times (at home and I think even in the theater when it was out).

For those unfamiliar with this show, this was the short-lived (about 14-15 episodes only) Joss Whedon-conceived ‘western in space’ of several years ago. As has been said many times elsewhere, this series was cancelled WAY before its time. The show was not only well done (and certainly provided more than a bit of inspiration for the later and far more successful Battlestar Galactica remake (just think about the camera moves during special effects shots in either series and you’ll see that influence right away, there are others) but it made you actually care about the characters, had inspired casting choices, and interesting plots.

Some of the actors have since shown up in other series (Nathan Fillion is currently in Castle; Summer Glau was in the recent Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles series, for example).

Ultimately, will they do another movie? As of 2008, Joss Whedon says very unlikely – but one can always dream, no?

If you haven’t seen the series or the movie (or – shame on you – both) – get online and put it in your Netflix queue, stat.


Back to the land of the living….

Sun ,03/04/2011

Back to work tomorrow – after getting ACL surgery on my right knee week before last (ski crash in late Feb), i’ve been movin’ slow the past 10 days or so. But no more – I go back to my new job (hooray!) tomorrow am, and start crutching around….wish me luck! 🙂


In other unrelated news, I was able to pick up a ‘cabaret’ style (meaning about 2/3 the size of a ‘normal’ arcade game) Missile Command arcade game – very cool, hope to get it to Seattle later this spring….