Thu ,21/01/2010Looks like it’s a done deal for Conan and his staff. I think this article way oversimplifies things and gets several wrong – Conan wasn’t any more a ‘flop’ than any of the others in that slot had been when they started (and arguably better than some – e.g. Jay?) but simply wasn’t given a true chance. If he had similar ratings after two years – ok, flop. But 7 months? Even s**t-com pilots get at least that much, and don’t have to air 5 nights a week, either?
NBC, I hope you’re happy. Zucker, I hope you are selling bibles door to door like you belong, very soon. Comcast, time to clean house! And Craig Ferguson – beware any network that says it wants to ‘promote’ you by moving your timeslot earlier – run screaming to Comedy Central, and fast!